semipermanent makeup course

To ensure safety and satisfying effects, it is necessary to recognise contraindications for any kind of micropigmentation treatment. You must make sure you have checked the strict contraindications below and confirm with your Carla's artist that you don't have any of them.

Hiding any information may be a threat for your health and safety and Carla Training Health and Beauty cannot be responsible for any damage done in those circumstances.

Remember that your artist needs to be aware of any contraindications you may have.

  • You are under the age of 18
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Viral infections or diseases
  • Haemophilia or you are prone to blood clots
  • Major heart problems or any organ transplant
  • Eczma or psoriasis on the area of treatment
  • Accutane medication is being taken
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Allergy to pigments
  • Extreme disruption and indecision of the client
  • Trasient eye surgery when performing pigmented dashes
  • Active herpes simplex, cold sores

You won't be able to receive a cosmetic tattoo treatment if any of the following apply: